What We Treat

+ Wrinkles

There are a variety of reasons for wrinkles such as aging and sun damage. Some wrinkles are related to muscle movements used for facial expression, while other wrinkles are caused by bone, fat and collagen loss. Interventions may include a variety of treatments, such as laser, regenerative medicine (micro-needling with PRP), botox, fillers, or peels. Dr. Tokarz will give you the education to help make an informed decision to determine the best therapy as well as daily skin care recommendations.

+ Irregular Skin Texture

Skin texture can have complex variables and Dr. Tokarz will help you understand some of the daily skin care measures you can take to help as well as therapeutic interventions to improve your skin’s texture.

+ Aging Face and Neck

With aging, your skin and appearance may make you feel more self-conscious about becoming older. Changes around your eyes, mouth and neck can become especially troubling and sadly there isn’t a magic cream to reverse time. Dr. Tokarz takes a gentle approach to ensure your options allow for natural improvements. She’s seeing some great results using regenerative medicine techniques (micro-needling with PRP). Often there is more than one modality along with daily skin care recommendations.

+ Sun Spots

Sun damage over the years caused by the effects of UV radiation have left their mark on our DNA. Specifically, the brown spots on the surface of our skin are there because the “code” of those cells trying to prevent further damage. Dr. Tokarz will educate you on their origin, explain your options for treatment, advise you on maintenance and importantly, ensure your sun spots aren’t something more sinister before she treats them. Unfortunately, if you’re treated by a non-dermatologist, you have a risk that a novice may end up treating a skin cancer as a sun spot. It’s important to trust your skin to the doctor who has specialized in skin science!

+ Rosacea (Facial Redness)

This condition leaves patients with redness, flushing, and visible vessels especially on the cheeks and around the nose. It will cause acne-like breakouts and even irritating eye symptoms. Dr. Tokarz will evaluate your specific sub-type of Rosacea and offer not only laser treatment but also maintenance therapy and general skin care guidelines to help reduce the irritation from this troublesome skin problem. Laser treatment can be life-changing! Many of our patients didn’t realize how beneficial it is to control the redness and discomfort. Dr. Tokarz has found that many patients no longer need to use risky oral antibiotics to control the disease once they start laser therapy.

+ Large Facial Blood Vessels or Vascular Malformations

Some vessel growths are genetic while others may be acquired. Dr. Tokarz is a dermatologist and an expert on these conditions. She’ll ensure you get the best treatment available utilizing lasers or other interventions to reduce their appearance.

+ Melasma

This is a difficult condition of irregular pigmentation over the forehead, cheeks and upper lip. Although the specific cause is uncertain, dermatologists know it is related to UV radiation and hormones. Most patients find it worsens in summertime with more light exposure. Dr. Tokarz will help you understand what tools are available to help clear this condition and maintain that clearance using prescription strength medications and sunscreens. Although there is no cure, she’s had many success stories of significantly improving the appearance of Melasma and keeping it under control.

+ Enlarged Pores

Although our pores cannot be “removed” because they are part of our skin’s anatomy, there are many therapeutic options which Dr. Tokarz performs to help reduce the appearance of your pores. She’ll also guide you on daily skin care to help your pore size. There are newer exciting therapies such as regenerative medicine using micro-needling with PRP which are showing impressive results for pore-size reduction.

+ Sebaceous Hyperplasia (large oil glands)

These common but bothersome growths are often found on the forehead and cheeks as round yellow bumps. Dr. Tokarz can help get rid of these with a special dermatology technique. It usually only takes a few minutes and patients are often overjoyed to find these bothersome bumps shrunken or removed. She can often add this on to another treatment sessions such as laser or botox. You’ll be happy you asked!

+ Acne Scars

Not all acne scars are the same. Some may have more color versus texture qualities. Dr. Tokarz will help develop a plan that best suits your scar characteristics and your genetic skin type as well as your budget to personalize the best therapeutic options possible. For best outcomes, she will educate you on daily skin care routines for the best long term improvement.

+ Traumatic Scars

Dr. Tokarz did extensive laser surgery and research during her military career and uses that unique expertise to provide the most progressive therapy for her patients. Scar appearances can be reduced and mobility can be improved. Beyond laser, there may be other therapies such as regenerative medicine (micro-needling with PRP) that will be part of your treatment plan.

+ Stretch Marks

Expansion of the skin for various reasons leaves behind a thinner dermis layer. Sadly there is no magic cream to make these disappear. Dr. Tokarz will apply the science of laser surgery and regenerative medicine (micro needling with PRP) to stimulate your body’s ability to produce collagen and help these marks fade away.

+ Skin Tags

Yet another skin burden we start to see with age. These skin-colored bumps and “tags” are often found around the neck, underarms, back and groin area, but also the corners of our eyes. Dr. Tokarz will use her expertise to remove these gently but efficiently. You’ll be surprised how quickly she can make these bothersome growths disappear!

+ Benign Keratosis

Tan and brown flat raised wart-like bumps can arise with age and genetics. These are often found on the back, abdomen, forehead, sides of cheeks and arms. Dr. Tokarz will use the appropriate intervention to efficiently rid these “bothersome barnacles” for good.

+ Benign Moles

Yes, if you don’t like a mole on your body you can have it removed. Dr. Tokarz is a board-certified dermatologist. If you desire removal of a mole, Dr. Tokarz will ensure when it is removed, it is clinically evaluated, and if necessary to ensure your peace of mind, it will be sent for pathology evaluation. Using her skill as a laser surgeon, she’ll use these unique techniques to create the best cosmetic outcome possible.

+ Actinic Keratosis (pre-cancers)

There are many treatment options for pre-cancers. The important thing for Dr. Tokarz is that you have these addressed and examined by a Dermatologist to develop the best plan. Beyond prescription medication or painful “Blue-light” treatments, Dr. Tokarz can incorporate laser surgery and chemical peels as therapy. Patient’s may not realize there are many options which can also improve overall skin texture and color beyond what a general dermatologist can offer due to limitations from insurance companies. She’ll use her dermatology skills to ensure there isn’t something more sinister at risk as well.

+ Xanthelasma

This is a condition which causes yellow plaque-like deposits to collect on the upper eyelids and the skin below the lower lids. Dr. Tokarz has had great success with treatment using special laser techniques. The final results are dramatic! Check out a great example on the before and after photos on the website.

+ Syringomas

This is another condition which has preference around the eyes. These are skin-colored bumps caused by an overgrowth of sweat glands. Dr. Tokarz can help reduce their appearance using a variety of tools such as laser surgery.